Wednesday, June 20, 2007

"The Natural History Journal of Chulalongkorn University" (2001)

The Natural History Museum of Chulalongkorn University. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. ISSN 1513-9700.

This new journal is the official publication of the Natural History Museum of Chulalongkorn University. Bangkok, Thailand. It boasts a strong editorial board consisting of members from Chulalongkorn and Mahidol Universities, and National Science Museum in Thailand, as well as overseas institutions such as Field Museum of Natural History, University of Michigan (both USA, National University of Singapore (Singapore), and University of the Rykyus (Japan), most of whom have been actively researching and publishing on various aspects of natural history in Thailand for many years. The Editor is Somasak Panha ( of the Chulalongkorn University.

The inaugural issue (August 2001, volume 1, Number 1) of this biannual publication features 11 papers divided among three sections: "Original Articles", "Reviews" and "Short Notes". "Original Articles" covers taxonomy and diversity (e.g. new species descriptions; new records; morphological, karyological and allozymic studies), and histological studies, while synopses and species checklists are published under "Reviews". Study subjects in this first issue include insects, molluscs, herptiles and fishes, mostly from Thailand.

For now, the journal appears to primarily focus on biodiversity-related studies in Thailand, which is very useful indeed, considering the significant amount of such research being conducted there. However, his scope can and probably will expand to include the rest of Indochina, thus addressing the need for wider dissemination of the results of biodiversity studies conducted in neighbouring Indochinese countries, and perhaps even from southern China. Coupled with the forthcoming addition of more scientists to its editorial board, and the setting up of its own website (S. Panha. pers. comm.), the journal will surely grow in importance and stature.

Annual cost of overseas membership and subscriptions are US$30 (individual), US$20 (student) or US$40 (institute). Requests for application forms or author instructions can be sent to: "The Natural History Journal of Chulalongkorn University. Bangkok 10330. THAILAND": Tel. +(662)218-5258-9; Fax. +(662)218-5386.

Darren C. J. Yeo
Raffles Museum of Biodiversity research
Department of Biological Sciences
The National University of Singapore
Blk S6, Science Drive 2
Singapore 117600, Republic of Singapore

First published in the Raffles Museum Bulletin of Zoology Vol. 49(2): 379 on 31 Dec 2001.

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